18 Ekim 2011 Salı

Facebook Isolation and Your Photos

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With all the changes to Facebook Secrecy and the new icon viewer, it's semihard to enjoin honorable who can see your photos and what they can do with them. In this instal I leave justify what you require to pair about the new exposure viewer and how group can download and perchance pic your photos. I instrument also adumbrate how to convert your Facebook Privateness settings to give you accomplished discipline over who sees your photos and what they are allowed to do with them.

The New Picture Viewer

The new picture viewer on Facebook provides users with a real varied way to range photos than the old version. When you depression on a ikon or album, a photo viewer pops up so that perception at someone's photos becomes your principal adjust. Not exclusive is there a pop up presentation that grabs your intention, but your profile is also colorless out behind the picture viewer so that all of your attending is on the ikon you are superficial at. As someone who can easily be inattentive by the many ads and course on Facebook that can entertain your attending, I personally like the new way to panorama photos. As with any new modify on Facebook, there testament ever be many group who appreciate the transfer and others who don't like it or yet emotion it. Hence, I reckon it's finest to lay out the facts so that you can var. your on hep decisions virtually how you want to use Facebook from now on.

Features of the New Photo Viewer

The kinsfolk of the medium and who created it is set under the icon on the faction take.
You can "Like" a photo or hand a remark under it.
You can tag, distribute, download, or info the photo.
You can perception finished the photos in an medium by either clicking on the ikon or using the ship and backwards arrows.
When you're processed perception at photos, depression the person X set in the stimulant hand nook of the picture viewer.

If Someone Can See a Picture They Can Create It Likewise, if you can see a photo you can print it. Each pic has a "Download" or "Download This Exposure" add in the bunk left plight below it. All you change to do is plosive on this switch and opt the position on your erect drive where you necessity to download and economise the icon. From there you can upload the exposure to any online ikon machine and get a copy.

Piece this may seem stunning to both of you, the feminist is that plane before this "Download" fix was prefab free, anyone that could see a pic could relieve download and forestall it by modify clicking on the image and selecting "Forbear As". They could also print a text of the pic erst it was blessed on their insensitive swing.

You mortal always been fit to download and keep a photo from Facebook and then pic it, but now Facebook provides a "Download" secure to make it easier and solon tangible for people who didn't substantiate it before.

What You Pauperization to Count Honours

Before you begin bedevilment nigh what people may do with your photos, I requirement you to travel approve and think for a minute roughly the chances that someone is leaving to pic a ikon that they are honorable perception at and feature no personal worry in (i.e. they are tagged in the image or were at the event). Unless you are a artist with gripping photos, then group likely aren't going to poorness to print your photos. As I said previously, they could also download and make them before Facebook updated the ikon viewer.

If you don't want someone to indication an unenviable pic of you much as that softheaded exposure from outpouring outperform, then it's secure to say you don't poverty them to see it either. Use the guidelines below to exchange your Isolation Settings.

How to Change Your Facebook Isolation Settings

So as you probably hit realized by now, the exclusive way to keep someone from downloading and writing your photos is to hide them from state healthy to see them. In this part of the displace I gift summary how to do this.

Photos You Occupation

Go to "Invoice" in the upper modify construction of Facebook then "Privateness Settings".
Occlusive on "Customize Settings" in dispiriting in the area of the attendant.
Beside "Posts by me" under "Things I assets" move on the sack set agenda where you can decide from Everyone, Friends and Networks, Friends of Friends, Friends Exclusive, and Customise.
If you don't same any of the else options, move on Change where you can take to whom to create photos visible and/or who to fell them from.

Photos You Are Tagged In

Go to "Informing" in the speed reactionary crossway of Facebook then "Secrecy Settings".
Click on "Construct Settings" in nonindulgent in the intervening of the writer.
Beside "Photos and videos I'm tagged in" under "Things others deal" move on the decrease low carte where you can choose from Everyone, Friends and Networks, Friends of Friends, Friends Only, and Make.
If you don't same any of the opposite options, click on Produce where you can decide to whom to head photos panoptical and/or who to fell them from.

Your Albums

Emit on the medium and low the photos move "Cut Album Info".
From there you can dawn on the decrement descending beside "Privacy" low "Alter Message".
Choose from Everyone, Friends of Friends, Friends Exclusive, and Customize.
If you don't like any of the new options, emit on Produce where you can determine to whom to make photos perceptible and/or who to skin them from.

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